Ryan Walter

Ryan Walter
Email: rkwalter@calpoly.edu
Office: 181-416
Phone: 805.756.1357
Google Scholar Profile
- Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 2014
- M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University, 2010
- B.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, 2009
Research Interests
My research involves the application of hydrodynamic principles to the study of flow and transport processes in coastal and estuarine environments. I am particularly interested in the role that hydrodynamics play in shaping nearshore ecosystems, affecting various biological and chemical processes, and influencing climate resilience. Some of my recent research and student projects include:
- Circulation, mixing, and transport in upwelling embayments and resulting impacts on phytoplankton, larval fish, and hypoxia
- Hydrodynamics in eelgrass and kelp forest systems
- Offshore wind energy modeling
- Nearshore internal waves and stratified turbulence
- Ocean observing systems and technology (high-frequency radar for surface currents, nearshore moorings and fixed stations, harmful algal bloom sampling, drone-based observations)
- Laboratory-based geophysical fluid dynamics in a rotating tank
- Time series analysis in physical oceanography
My lab has a range of research opportunities available for students during the academic year and summer. Please get in touch with me if you are interested in getting involved.