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Location: 180-204
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Physics 122 Week 4


Density Cubes

Each cube has the same volume, but after weighing each one on a scale you can quickly tell that they are different densities. We also have a mass set made with objects that are the same material but different volumes. Use both to introduce density to your students.

Feeling Pressure

Engage your students in a thought experiment about which object would feel the most uncomfortable under an equal force, and then let them feel it to verify their predictions.

**The leather punch has a relatively pointy tip.**

Pascal's Vases

Use this intricate vase to show your students that pressure is solely dependent on depth! Make sure to add a visible dye to the water so that your students can easily see what happens to the entire vessel when you add water to one of the columns.

Pressure and Depth

By allowing water to squirt out of a tall cylinder you can easily show your students how pressure relates to depth, and extrapolate this further to buoyancy and SCUBA diving!

Simple Hydraulic Machine

Two hypodermic syringes attached by a hose create a simple hydraulic machine. Use comparative ratios to explain why this device provide mechanical advantage. 


Buoyancy's Influence on Weight

If your students have ever wondered how they can experience weightlessness without going to space, then this is the perfect demonstration to help you explain buoyancy!

Cartesian Diver

This quick and simple demonstration shows how many sea creatures and submarines use air chambers to control and influence their buoyancy! 

Buoyancy and Density

Use this demonstration to show your students why dense fluids, such as that of the Dead Sea, allow an object to become more buoyant!

Density Spheres

Show you students that whether an object sinks or floats depends on its density much more than its mass.

Bernoulli's Examples

Bernoulli Levitation

Many students are fascinated with how planes or helicopters can stay air born for so long. Use these demonstrations to aid you in your explanation of the Bernoulli Principal and lift!


This seemingly simple apparatus is a great opportunity to show students an early application of the Bernoulli Principle.

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