Department Contact Information

Physics Department

Location: 180-204
Phone: (805) 756-2448
Fax: (805) 756-2435
Chair: Jennifer Klay

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Katharina Gillen

Katharina Gillen


Office: 180-615
Phone: 805.756.2199


  • Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 2005
  • M.S., The Ohio State University, 2000
  • Vordiplom, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn, 1998

Research Interests

  • Optics
  • Atomic Physics
  • Quantum Computing


My mission:

Guide students to success through teaching, advising, and mentoring. Physics, like all sciences, requires different perspectives to progress and thrive. I strive to be an ally to marginalized people and to increase diversity, equity and inclusion in my classes, department, and discipline.

What I have been up to: CV

My field of expertise: Neutral atom quantum computing (involves atomic physics, optics, and quantum information science)


This is my passion. I have taught classes throughout the physics curriculum: PHYS 13X/14X series (General Physics), PHYS 211/212 (Modern Physics 1/2), PHYS 322 (Vibrations and Waves), PHYS 315 (Lasers), PHYS 323 (Optics), and PHYS 423 (Advanced Optics).

I am especially excited about PHYS/CPE 345 (Quantum Computing), a class I developed and taught for the first time in Spring quarter 2024. It gives students in science and engineering a solid footing in quantum computing theory, quantum algorithms, and some quantum architectures. If you are interested in taking this class, please make sure to choose the physics track of your major’s support course options and take PHYS 211 (Modern Physics 1)!



My research field is neutral atom quantum computing. Specifically, within this field, my main focus has been to identify and test light patterns that could be useful for trapping atoms for quantum computing and other quantum information applications. I have an experimental research lab using lasers to cool and trap atoms at temperatures ~100 microkelvin from absolute zero to get them ready to be held by pure light patterns for quantum computing. I also have carried out computational projects to calculate the properties of various light patterns for use as atom traps, and theoretical projects learning how to implement quantum algorithms on a quantum computer that can perform single and two-qubit gates. Find out the details of my work on my research webpage.

As of Fall 2024, I am no longer active in research myself, but have collaborators and colleagues in this and related fields with exciting research opportunities for undergraduate students. If you would like to learn more about this research field, want tips for how you can go deeper and prepare for a career in quantum computing, or would like help finding someone with research projects in your directions of interest, please email me!


Professional network:

We are proud to be a node of the Southwest Quantum Information and Technology Network (SQuInT), a (now) global network of research universities, national labs, industry, and teaching universities. We meet once a year for our annual workshop to learn about each other's work and exchange ideas. We are grateful for receiving travel support for our undergraduate students to attend and present their work at this meeting.


Diversity, equity, and inclusion


Physics Diversity and Inclusivity committee:

I have been a member of this committee since its inception in 2017 with very few exceptions. We work towards inclusion and diversity in our department through organizing faculty training, providing resources to faculty for learning about and becoming active in support of DEI, working towards more equitable research practices, spreading the word about issues of DEI to all students, faculty, and staff in our department, and more. If you experience or observe anything that makes you or someone else feel uncomfortable in our department, please let someone you trust know. Not sure who to talk to? You are welcome to contact me!

APS-IDEA network:

The Cal Poly Physics Department joined the American Physical Society Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Alliance (APS-IDEA) in 2020. The overarching goal of this alliance is to support institutional change towards diversity, equity, and inclusion. This network gives us access to expert resources nationwide, specifically geared towards physics, as well as training in best practices, such as shared leadership, and tools for implementing transformative change. I have served as our team leader, coordinating our work, for some of our years of membership.

AIP TEAM-UP Implementation Workshop Program:

The Cal Poly Physics Department also actively participated in the TEAM UP Implementation Workshop Program. One specific goal of this program was to work towards increasing the number of Black and African American students receiving bachelor degrees in Physics and Astronomy. The TEAM UP Project has ongoing activities, including scholarships for Black and African American undergraduate students in Physics and Astronomy through the TEAM UP Together program.

Cal Poly Women in Physics Club:

I am a proud past advisor of the Cal Poly Women in Physics Club. This club supports gender equity and diversity in our department and discipline. Student leaders organize various social and activity events throughout the year - a great opportunity to meet and get to know physics students, faculty, and staff and build a strong support network. For more information on the club, please check out our club Instagram.

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